History of Agenda-21

Written by Rajesh Sharma

📅 March 8, 2022

Ajenda 21 ka Itihas | एजेंडा 21 का इतिहास | History of Agenda 21

Cecil Rhodes, Andrew Carnegie, Lord Northcliffe, Rockefeller, and Ford Foundation was play a major role. this is the History of Agenda-21.

History of Agenda-21

Around the year 1880, Cecil Rhodes (UK) used to spend major part of his income on his mission to bring order and global government to the world which would have its own currency and military and have control over entire earth with its own policies. With this very mission, Cecil Rhodes, Andrew Carnegie, Lord Northcliffe, Rockefeller, and Fords Foundation came together.

In the recent times, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Clinton Foundation, etc. have been playing an active role in this. To accomplish their mission, they have given the slogan of Agenda-21.

Alliance system was majorly responsible for the past two world wars and this very group played a major role in triggering the same. At global level, institutions like the World Bank, WHO, UNPF, UNEP, etc. have been formed. Externally, they appear to be quite beneficial for the mankind, however, every aspect of people’s lives is controlled via them so that they could dominate entire world.

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Shashak Hua Shaitan



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