Truth behind Corona English

Category: Corona- English

Written by Rajesh Sharma

📅 March 6, 2022

Truth behind Corona English

There are people belonging to Bilderberg Group who have destroyed the economies of almost all the countries. This is the Truth behind Corona.

Truth behind Corona

– Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (US Senate candidate)

– David Icke, Conspiracy Theorist

Truth behind Corona EnglishThere are people belonging to Bilderberg Group who have destroyed the economies of almost all the countries. And now they want to legally snatch the entire wealth. Corona conspiracy is like a Brahmastra to them.

Realated Artical-

Vaccine and System- People’s Voice

Secret behind Corona guidelines

Forced death:

It’s an absolute lie that corona virus originated in China. There hasn’t been any discourse or debate on this topic with the independent medical specialists. Its treatment is a big conspiracy in itself. The hospitals get the money instead on top. Putting people on ventilator is actually the death sentence that they are putting people on.

Every death is a COVID-19 death: All deaths reported as those by corona across the world, are actually not so. Either they have died of other ailments, or they have been killed. Complying with the new ICMR guidelines, even the accident or gunshot victims are reported as COVID-19 death.

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Truth behind Corona EnglishFooling, misleading, and murdering: RT-PCR test used for COVID-19 diagnosis is not approved by FDA (USA)/manufacturer and even the inventor of PCR-Test. Kary Mullis, who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993 for inventing the PCR manufacturing technique in the year 1985, is reported to have said that it was for research purposes only and not for medical diagnosis, and that it produces a high rate of false positive results (at least ten thousand out of 1 lakh).

In order to make sure that the people are vaccinated, the Elite Group has invested a huge amount of money. The plan was laid out many years ago and was passed in the year 2017 after the last run. A frightening realistic procedural thriller film by the name ‘Contagion’ based upon this was released in the year 2011.

Basically, flu, influenza or common cold causing virus has been named as corona virus, and hence, its treatment is same as that of flu too.

Realated Artical-

Vaccine disease

Lethal Corona Vaccine


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