Why India’s Farmers Are Protesting. Main reasen that 2,88,838 farmers was suicide in 21st century. 40 farmers commit suicide on daily.
Why India’s Farmers Are Protesting
So far, as many as 2,88,838 farmers are reported to have committed suicide in 21st century. On an average, 40 farmers commit suicide on daily basis in India.
make a worker not a master:
As per UN report, there are more than 570 million farms in the world; more than 475 million farms are smaller than 2 hectares. As of the last agricultural census compiled in India for 2015-16, there were an estimated 145 million distinct farms in the country, with about 120 million small holder farmers having land holdings less than 2 hectares. And there are around 250 million farm workers in India. As per the report, over the past few decades, the total number of farm owners has declined, while that of farm workers has increased.
As per IMF report, 570 million people worldwide are farm owners, while only 10% of this number are capable of cultivating land. Similarly, in India, there are 145 million farm owners working as cultivators, while only 14 million can work as farm-workers.
Many companies have been seeking to expand their control over agricultural market, are actively working to make sure that nobody remains land-owner, and everyone turns into laborers or farm-workers instead, the way the company named Monsanto (now owned by Bayer), owing to its thirst for distant lands, has acquired the land in many countries across the world, and has kept 10% of those land-owners as laborer, while rest of them are still unemployed.
Wiping out the poor, not poverty:
Almost 720 million of India’s population is dependent upon agriculture. As per NABARD’s All India Rural Financial Inclusion Survey, appropriately named ‘NAFIS’,while the average income for a farming household in almost every Indian state has increased to Rs 8,931 over the past few years, 50% of all households earned less than Rs 5,500 per month and more than 50% households remain indebted. Farmers are allocated fertilizer subsidy of around 80,000 crore rupees, while more than Rs 6 lakh crore of corporate loans are being waived off every year.
For More Information: https://srsinternational.org/shasak-hua-shaitan-multi-languages
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