What is New Farm Bill 2020

Written by Rajesh Sharma

📅 March 11, 2022

What is New Farm Bill 2020

What is New Farm Bill 2020 means forcing the farmers to sell the crop to corporate companies. This is the main hidden agenda.

What is New Farm Bill 2020

Slavery:  All the three farm laws passed recently aim at abolishing mandis (operated under the APMC law of the states) and forcing the farmers to sell the crop to corporate companies. It leaves no scope for judicial review in respect of any dispute. No civil court has been given the jurisdiction to entertain any suit or proceedings in respect of any dispute.

In short, farmers have been deceived by the government under the guise of corona pandemic, while the common man has received inflation gift-wrapped. Adani Group has been in the business of developing and operating grain silos for FCI since 2005 – years before the law was even passed.

Fraud: Today the situation of agriculture sector is such that it has become quite hard to make a living as a farmer. Its farmers who toil hard, work day & night to feed us, grappling with adverse and unpredictable climatic conditions, while it’s someone else who takes the cream. It’s the corporates who are being benefitted in the name of crop insurance.

By forcing the rules and policies of World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Agriculture (which includes farmers as well as laborers), government simply watches the farmers go through financial ruin. The farmer keeps plunging into debt and one fine day, ends up hanging himself to death.

Government has been smartly backing corporate giants like Ambani, Tata, Coca-Cola, etc. During the negotiations for WTO Agreement on Agriculture in 2001, India raised concerns over food security and flexibility that developing nations must have when it comes to providing subsidies to key farm input. But India cannot legally guarantee minimum support price, or MSP, to its farmers without contravening its obligations under the World Trade Organization law. So, indirectly it seems to have been meant for ending MSP regime.[36]

Resolute wins: It’s not that there is no solution to problems, all that is needed is – to be determined and united. In the year 2011, Adbusters proposed a peaceful occupation of Wall Street to protest social and economic inequality, greed, corruption, and the undue influence of corporations on government—particularly from the financial services sector.

The activists started joining one by one and occupied the Zuccotti Park [a 33,000-square-foot (3,100 m2) publicly accessible park in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan, New York City] and used it as a staging ground for their protests throughout the Financial District, which gave rise to ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement. Later, this protest inspired several ‘Occupy’ protests in over 951 cities across 82 countries as organizers aimed to “initiate global change” against capitalism and austerity measures.

 For More Information Visit : Shashak Hua Shaitan


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