Facts About 5G and CoronaVirus

Written by Rajesh Sharma

📅 March 10, 2022

Facts About 5G and CoronaVirus

Facts About 5G and CoronaVirus is that health risks not only to people, but to entire living world. 5G will give death without killing.

Facts About 5G and CoronaVirus

5G is all about big time slavery:

5G monitoring system (Internet of Things) is meant to be a quicker, more advanced way to harness the internet and stay connected, which allows larger amounts of data to travel more quickly than was possible with 3G and 4G, but this data will also be especially susceptible to cyberattacks and surveillance. This, again, will lead to a whole new Internet of Things, where everything will be connected. Hacking and accessing everyone’s information, and governments using it to monitor their own people is nothing but the principle of capitalism. Smart cities, human settlement zones, smart growth, all these are the part of ‘Agenda-21’ overall plan. By way of mobile, internet, etc. people are being connected online to a kind of fascism system of governance. Even the vaccination drive is supposedly linked with 5G (Internet of Things).

Facts About 5G and CoronaVirus- Death without killing:

5G deployments pose greater health risks not only to people, but to entire living world. Experts say that if 5G deployments aren’t stopped, we [as a society] are playing around with our very survival. It can weaken the immune system, reduce fertility, cause headaches, and lead to a wide range of medical maladies from cancer to infertility to depression. The radiation from these devices could damage cells via another biological mechanism, such as oxidative stress in cells, which leads to inflammation and has been found to cause cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular, neurological and pulmonary diseases (like hypoxia etc.). People abroad have been opposing this quite actively. Many mobile towers have reportedly been burned down in the UK, Canada, etc.

5G has become a noose tightened around people:

Dr. Zbigniew K. Brzezinski, Former National Security Advisor of the United States, in his book ‘Between Two Ages’ has mentioned that in the upcoming Technetronic Era, society under close surveillance and control by using the latest modern techniques.
It is also said that RFID microchip would be implanted in humans, and all your personal information concerning your assets, lands, home, bank-account, etc. would be linked with it, and that this chip would be linked with government servers, etc. In the name of security and protection against the incidents of loot, sexual assault, rape, etc. it would be enforced on everyone. Cash money would be taken off the market and everything will be digitized.

By declaring some places as corona affected, respective state-administration had started using ‘geofencing’ technology to keep watch on people, and to ensure that high-risk people stay in home quarantine. Those violating the protocol were punished too. A group of businesses from the healthcare sector are banding together to create digital vaccine ID cards that verify Covid-19 vaccination status. In the future these cards may be made mandatory like Aadhar cards, and might be required to gain entry into restaurants, bars, schools and airplanes. This is going to be followed by mandating of RFID Microchip implantation in the successive phase.

 For More Information Visit :  Shashak Hua Shaitan

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