Evolution of Indian Culture | Bharateey Sanskrti ka Vikas- 2E

Written by Rajesh Sharma

📅 April 6, 2022

Evolution of Indian Culture

In the whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevating as that of the Upanishads. Its is seen Evolution of Indian Culture.

Evolution of Indian Culture | Bharateey Sanskrti ka Vikas

Evolution of Indian Culture

In the whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevating as that of the Upanishads. It has been the solace of my life; and it will be the solace of my eath. They are the product of the highest wisdom.

– Arthur Schopenhauer

Evolution of Indian Culture

I like to think that someone will trace how the deepest thinking of India made its way to Greece and from there to the philosophy of our imes.

– John Archibald Wheeler

The motion of the stars calculated by the Hindus before some 4500 years vary not even a single minute from the modern tables of Cassine and Meyer.

– Jean-Sylvain Bailly

The Veda was the most precious gift for which the West had ever been indebted to the East.

– Francois M. Voltaire

There is no language in the world, even Greek, which has the clarity and the philosophical precision of Sanskrit, and this great India is not only at the origin of everything, She is superior in everything, intellectually, religiously or politically and even the Greek heritage seems pale in comparison.

– Frederich von Schlegel

It was only my first meeting with the Indian philosophy that confirmed my vague speculations and seemed at once logical and boundless.

– William Butler Yeats

In all world there is no kind of framework within which we can find consciousness in the plural; this is simply something we construct because of the temporal plurality of individuals, but it is a false construction…. The only solution to this conflict in so far as any is available to us at all lies in the ancient wisdom of the Upanishad.

– Erwin Schroedinger

Evolution of Indian Culture

The juxtaposition of Western civilization’s most terrifying scientific achievement with the most dazzling description of the mystical experience given to us by the Bhagavad Gita, India’s greatest literary monument.

– Julius R. Oppenheimer

Evolution of Indian Culture

I go into the Upanishads to ask questions.

– Niels Bohr

Evolution of Indian Culture

India has created a special momentum in world history as a country to be searched for knowledge.

– Friedrich Hegel

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Indian Culture by Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam


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